Monday, January 22, 2024

A Million New Versions

 When I reviewed my writings here from last week, I felt a bit annoyed with myself. Why do I change every day? Why am I seemingly always setting a new course? I had told myself to tamp it down already.

Then I read a poem called “Unlearning” by Nikita Gill, where she posits that womanhood is about unlearning all you’ve been taught. Now, this isn’t a new thought to me, but the words here got me:

how to understand 

there are a million 

new versions of you 

hiding under your skin

This immediately made me feel less crazy about my process, and helped me understand that’s the purpose of living and growing. We are all doing it all the time…I’m just vocalizing it.

So welcome to the Monday January 22, 2024 version of me. She comes with beauty and purpose and yes, a little fierceness. Every day can be a tiny celebration of something newly discovered.

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