Thursday, July 27, 2023

I'm thinking...

This is a Natalie Goldberg prompt I used in combination with color tiles during a Creative Writing Club meeting on March 14, 2023. I just now found the poem, and decided it was worth publishing!

I'm thinking of simple sorrow
    in sugarplum blue

I'm thinking of Mojave desert
    in surges of gold

I'm thinking of every doorway
    where everything begins

I'm thinking I'm too weak to fly
    but I can walk in the stony brook

I'm thinking of beating on the walls
    slowly and unafraid

I'm thinking I need toys of desperation

I'm thinking of how light moves into
    an unknown sea

I'm thinking of running down the road in a fringed jacket
    laughing and playful

sprouting my true colors

jazzy zigzags and singing
    songs not yet sung


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