Sunday, November 13, 2022

Delight Song of Celestial Bodies

 Creative Writing Club November 8, 2022

Two writers showed up for club on Tuesday: 8th grader William and 6th grader Hazel.

William wanted to do something collaboratively. We did some writing, and Hazel had this line about "celestial body" in hers.  I then pulled up my "Delight Song of Six Mile Cypress Slough" (see previous post) and we used that idea to do a write around. 


I am a celestial body

I am a piece of floating space

I am the center of the solar system, a becoming star

I am accused of being too distant

I am alive, I am alive

I stand in good relation to the stars

I stand in good relation to the universe

I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful

You see, I am alive, I am alive


I am a celestial body

I am brilliant at twilight

I am always in the dark

I am seen from other galaxies

I am a dot in a telescope

I am a shining star

I am a far away galaxy, waiting to be discovered

I am secretive and sharp and sullen

I am soft and caring and warm

I am what the future looks like

I am alive, yes, I am alive

I stand in good relation to the earth

I stand in good relation to the heavens

I am alive, I am alive.


I am a celestial body twinkling with glowing stars

I am a star that died out long ago

I am sun-kissed and moon-glowed

I am a moon-given presence

I am what a child sees in her dreams but never remembers

I am a trophy with an endless ribbon

I am in good relation with God

You see, I am alive and alive I am

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Delight Song of Six Mile Cypress Slough

 A return to the slough with this mentor poem in mind.  Delight Song of the Tsoai-Talee


I am where you enter the boardwalk to magic

I am the Pond Cypress swamp who greets you


I am the trees and sky


I am the white fungus that dots the trees like punctuation


I am the sunlight setting the alligator flag aglow


I am the wide and gentle lake, perfect for morning meditations


I am sunlight on the water

I am the tree that took two directions

I am the tree that couldn't hang on

I am the heart, the butterfly, the flower


I am deep blues and bright greens


I am a bit of autumn red surprise

I am sun-filtered fern, plentiful and free

I am Cypress needles hanging on, and Cypress trees standing straight and tall.

I am Grandfather Cypress who lost my crown in the hurricane.

I am stillness and reflection as far as the eye can see

I am the raccoon, the Limpkin, the Night Heron, the Pileated Woodpecker who refused to be photographed

I am November in the Slough after the mighty winds that blew

I am the Red-Shouldered Hawk calling as if reciting the poem

You see, I am alive, I am alive

I stand in good relation to the earth

I stand in good relation to the gods

I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful...

You see, I am alive, I am alive

Italicized lines from the mentor poem posted at top

Around and Around We Go

 It is Thursday, and my first thought is Why is the summer going so fast? My second is How will I ever get everything accomplished I need to...