Thursday, July 14, 2022

Something About This Morning

It is evening, and I’m moving toward getting dinner going and settling in with some television, which is our nightly routine. It has been another wonderful summer day of balancing reading and art and taking care of some things around here. 

I began the day by finally getting out for a walk at Bunche Beach, something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but was just too lazy to make happen. Plus the weather has been ungodly hot and humid, even in the wee hours, keeping me in the AC.

But today, miraculously, it was a little cooler. I arrived at the beach at 7:15 a.m., and there were only two other cars. That never happens! I practically had the place to myself. 

What was different about today was the affect it has had on me. I took my usual cache of photos, but there is something about this group that feels different to me. The color of the sky. The sunrise on the clouds over Sanibel.  The pelican lolling in the outgoing surf. The osprey feather I found. 

I posted a few pics on Facebook, and all day as people commented on them, they popped up again in my feed. And each time I was delighted all over. Each time I was so glad I had made the time to go and be with nature. 

So I decided to document this morning of joy for what it was—a bit of midsummer magic.


My arrival


My walking path

First time I've ever scored an osprey feather

When I got back in the car, a meaningful song came on: "If Tomorrow Never Comes."  I felt blessed to know that if tomorrow doesn't come for me, at least I spent the last day doing what really matters.

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