Saturday, April 9, 2022

Singing My Own Song (7 Lines/7 Days #99)


April 3-9, 2022

Yola’s  album Stand for Myself is incredible. Sorry it took so long to check it out.

The Grammy award show made me smile all the way through—great music and a ton of honor and respect .

The writing test went okay. I have a small group.

Jon Baptiste’s “Freedom” video is so much fun.  I had my 9th period dancing to it.

I have felt a shift in the classroom in some small, positive, and important ways.

Los Lobos won a Grammy for their album Native Sons, which drew my attention to it. It is all cover songs by California artists, including Jackson Browne and The Beach Boys. Great listening.

As I’m inspired by music and the school year coming to an end, I’m motivated to keep singing my own song, and it feels great!

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