Monday, March 21, 2022

44. Inflection Point


This is a quote from Joe Biden in the interview with Heather Cox Richardson:

There are certain periods in American history where you reach inflection points, when things change not necessarily because of the individuals involved, but because of the circumstances and how the world has changed. I think we're in one of those moments in world history where we'll see more change because of technology in the next 10 years, more than we've seen in the last 50 years. And I think it's hard for governments to get their arms around these changes in a way that continues to bring people together.

I knew right away he was hitting the nail on the head with education.

It's a function of government, and it involves LOTS of people. Even if I was able to think of what we should do as educators to address what is happening, it would take forever to get people on board.

In our faculty meeting this week we were introduced to this five step plan, of which the 4th step was mastery grading (something I was already doing until they took it away from me with canned curriculum), and eventually competency progression.

I'm on board. But as they will take YEARS.

Meanwhile, we all suffer.

It caused me to look up what I heard in the 80s, on how knowledge doubles.

In 1985, when I heard about this, knowledge was doubling every five years.

Now it is doubling every 13 HOURS.

As Joe says, it is technology that causes this motion. 

How to respond is the difficult part. Because, after all, as soon as you do everything will have moved on.

Inflection point, indeed.


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