Thursday, December 16, 2021

25. "Heartbeat is the telegram..."



This poem was inspired by Barbara Kingsolver's poem "Down Under" in which she describes a hike in Australia, ending with this stanza:

Heartbeat is the telegram
to believe: full stop.
Elbows on knees we crouch down
under the scrub for shade, familiar
territory, hands to sand,
roots to moisture.
Join the tribe of creatures
getting out of here alive.

Today I know I'm going to make it.
Barbara's poem seemed to describe
my experience perfectly.
How weak and thirsty I became.
How slowly I've emerged again.
I've been crouching under the
shade brush, as she describes,
my mind not fully engaged
since facing the trauma I felt.
Little by little I'm coming back.
Where the last break facilitated the
healing of my mind,
this one will bring me back to
my teaching heart.

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