Tuesday, November 16, 2021

17. The Heart is a Rainbow


 A few weeks ago I was inspired to write based on an ancient poem by Sun Bu-er. That post was #8 The Heart is a Gateway.

I read this poem every day, and have for years, so imagine my delight when I finally start understanding how to apply it to my life. It happened again today.

As last time, the bold parts are the poem, the italicized parts are mine.

Cut brambles long enough
sprout after sprout

Look deeply into the brokenness of the system.
Do not be afraid.
In the cracks the light will shine.

And the lotus will bloom
of its own accord

It suddenly seems obvious.
The recognition comes with a sureness of purpose
and a storehouse of courage.
Already waiting in the clearing
the single image of light
Where before the path was dark and rocky,
there is now this rainbow of color leading me forward.
The day you see this
that day you will become it
I am leading with my heart.
My heart is the rainbow.

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