Friday, November 12, 2021

16. For the Love of Reading


After Joy Harjo's Where we lived....

Where I kept autonomy in seating, 
I now have seating charts.
Where I taught using meaningful approaches,
we now fill in a form.
Where we used to treasure creativity,
we now have no time for that.

Where I used to form lessons to engage,
I'm now told how I should do it (even though it doesn't engage.)

Where I used to live for the joy of teaching,
I now know those days are gone.
But Spirit stepped in, got my attention.

I now focus on joy in relationships,
and loving that person in front of me.
I refuse to give my energy and health away
to a situation I did not create.

I seek to do as little damage as possible,
in a demeaning and deadening system.

And most importantly,
I will forever put books in their hands,
for without a love of reading, 
there is nothing of value.

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