Sunday, January 12, 2020

31. Commitment -- motto for January


When reading an essay in Mark Matousek's inspirational When You're Falling, Dive, I came across this quote:

Attachment wants things to stay the same, especially in relation to us. Since everyone and everything is always changing, this is obviously doomed. Commitment, on the other hand, does not say things must stay the same for us to be happy, but that we will abide with ourselves affectionately throughout these changes.

From the moment I read this, I had the word "commitment" stick to me like glue. I will be honest -- it isn't a word I have ever spent much time thinking about. But as I was entering 2020, and a new semester with a lot of changes, it seemed like the perfect word.

My next step was to find a quote I could use for my classroom motivational whiteboard I'm finally using for its intended use. I discovered this quote from Tony Robbins:

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.

So there it was: Stay committed. Stay flexible.

The first three days back showed me that this is going to be the best advice possible.  Here is to a committed -- and flexible -- approach to 2020.

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