Friday, December 20, 2019

28. Balancing Act


Usually at this time of year I feel like I've got my kids all going in one direction, and the chances for learning increase.

But this year is different. There are many changes happening for me next semester.

First, I will have four creative writing classes.  I've never had more than one at a time. This will be a much heavier workload, and I'm conscious of the fact that I will need to make adjustments so I don't overwhelm myself with things to read. I have always let the classes seek their own level and interests, and I'm uncertain right now how much I need to keep uniform and how much I need to control. It will be a balancing act for sure.

Next, our reading curriculum will totally change. We are starting with a scripted program come January, and I am the only one on the team who hasn't taught it before. I feel rather lost and down because it will require starting a ton of new routines with my students. Yes, the foundation is there, but there will be a lot of new things to get used to. The good part is I can see the curriculum is more intense, which will be good for the kids. But the lack of flexibility is tough for this creative-minded teacher.

What will remain constant is my 28 6th grade advanced reading students. They will be doing my favorite unit on survival and the Titanic research project. This, and the solid foundation of independent reading, will keep me afloat through the balancing act I am soon going to have to learn with the 7 other classes.

New vision and new challenges for 2020!  After a solid break, I will be ready.

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