Saturday, September 14, 2019

9. The River is Beginning to Flow



The river is beginning to flow without me feeling like I'm pushing it.

We had a well-attended first meeting of the CLMS Book Club on Tuesday. I was a tad nervous about that, but I guess I didn't need to be.

The admin has been balancing out our classes so I no longer have 24 intensive reading students in my 10th period class starting next week.  Alleluia!

This weekend I am actually cranking through some things that I simply cannot get to during the week. Working ahead. The past two weekends I've been nothing but a blob, doing virtually nothing. I feel my energy is rising again. Thank you baby Jesus.

I finally had a decent class with my tough and crowded 2nd period. Creative writing is heading into developing their first stories. Speech and debate are talking about topics they'd like to debate -- and this is the first really brave bunch I've had. Border wall. Vaping. Gun control. LBGTQ issues. Reparations. Formal debates will begin to be planned after we do one small independent project.

The Global Read Aloud is coming quickly, so planning time is needed for it.

But mostly I just want to say -- I like the way things are going and I love that I have energy returning. It's all uphill from here!

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