Tuesday, August 20, 2019

2. Resistance


We've been humming along in the most of the classes, making connections, thinking about what it means to be a community, and creating and signing a community agreement.

But then...resistance.

It was the 2nd period Speech & Debate class, over 20 boys, lots of noise and distractions. I had come into the class that day with the attitude of love and redirection, as we worked through the plan.  The class was beginning to make a list of things to put into the agreement:

We will be respectful, take responsibility, and listen carefully.
We will be helpful.
We will be kind to our peers.
We will try to enjoy this class.

It is when we got to that last one that the real truth started to emerge.  It was suggested (by a girl) that we put the word "try" into all the statements.  I explained why the word "try" is weak, and I didn't feel it would be helpful to the end goal.

Then Dylan spoke up. I had him in 6th grade, and I know he is often in trouble. He stated what many others agreed with: This is a waste of time. We are never going to hold to these agreements. We will pretend for three weeks and then it will be gone. We shouldn't even bother.

I pointed out that there were people in the class who were looking to their classmates to help create an environment for learning, and that we are all responsible for making that happen. The general consensus was that there were people in the class that would never do it, so no one should have to bother doing it. They were talking from previous experience.

I told them I don't accept that it can't be done, but class was ending and frankly, I didn't know the next step.

A couple periods later I was on planning, and the only thing I could think of to do is to set the agreement aside, and dive into the work. I have what I think is a compelling video to dissect and discuss about the young man from Parkland that had his Harvard acceptance rescinded because of stuff he put on social media.  My immediate plan is to dive into the work, and as we go, do some exit tickets on what the kids see is or is not working.

I'm reminded again of the quote I put in a poem yesterday: The contradictions in our lives are the engines of creativity. I am charged now with getting really creative in how I approach this class. 

And I'm also comforted by the fact that it is only for one semester!

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