Saturday, April 6, 2019

Right Here, Right Now

I feel I have drifted away from my writing, and now I am finding my way back. It started yesterday during our free writing time in Creative Writing class. I put up three prompts, and went to write in my gratitude journal. At first I wasn't focused much on gratitude. When I realized this, I pulled the words "Right Here, Right Now" from the song title prompts I had given, and away I went.  I even read this to the students.  Since then, I feel the faucet has opened back up.  So thankful!

We are writers.
We come together in community
     and honor expression.
We know the value of the
     written word.
We know the benefit of
     listening to each other.
We build bridges with
     letters that grown into
     words that grow into
     sentences that grow
     into stories of our lives.

We are writers
     on Friday and every day.
We know the importance of
     reaching out with words.
It brings freedom. Freedom.
We are writers.

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