Monday, April 22, 2019

Rain Dance Miracle

Discovered this today in a yellow legal pad, several edits had been made, no date or inspiration recorded.  Tried desperately to place just why I wrote it.  I searched my blogs and Trail Brazen blog to be sure I hadn't already documented it somewhere. It is a real mystery. There are lines in it that makes me think it was 2016 when the Cavaliers won the championship, but I cannot figure anything else out about it. I'm recording it here, and will let the mystery be.

Rain Dance Miracle

Personally, I've got my pocket full of jewels
Got beaded earrings
After over sixty years of singing
You'd think I'd be on the hilltops
My arms feel strong today
Like I could swing on a rope
Like the trapeze is mine
Like I can make a mid-air field goal
Well, I like all kinds of art anyway
Starry night.  Collages of concert ticket stubs
Such watercolor landscapes and clouds and trees
Such that tells the story of geography
And -- I only saw it once --
Persephone and her pomegranate
Lips silently red
At the bottom incense burned in a copper pot
Does everything have to be about the end of the world?
We all dwell among the fruit and the fanfare
Lightning strikes on a Sunday night
Everything comes in time -- even refreshing rain
When it's time for music, give it music
When it's time to sing out, lend your voice
and when it cries at the crowds cheering
and children climbing on statues for the view
when the lake and sky share the same blue
and when all it wants is the golden ring,
give it the golden ring.

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