Sunday, November 4, 2018


Seven more poems for my students. The first few are Golden Shovel poems, the rest are Found Poems

Sacred Center

Even if he could,
Yahir would not fly past any
of the hard parts. Centered in place,
knowing what will be,
he gives more and more,
because books and words are sacred.

Sometimes a Window

Although he doesn't want to be found,
Gregory is a young man that
conceals his deeply held hunger
for something more; deflecting is
a much easier way --
no responsibility then.
But sometimes...a window.
Sometimes...a way to enter.

Match Grace

Listening winds
you, Adriana
leap, float, run
cool springs embraced
match grace
neither feather nor fan
drifted and tossed.

But power. Oh, power.

Gentle Motion

Are you still there, Yesenia?
I listen for a sound
You are rhythm circles in the
classroom, a voice
curving and low
like the gentle motion
of the western wind
like the purple flowers
growing near the road.

Ode to Tamira

She's a comma and a period,
Present perfect.
Plain-speaking, smart-talking,
somewhat querulous.
She's a metaphor juking,
a noun zipping,
waiting to jump the curb.

Kristina Is

Wind. Rain.
Faint path through the field.
Sharp edge.
Still image.
Light defined by dark.
A single ray from the clouds.

Ke'aisha Keeping

She's a music box waiting to be wound.
She's a canoe gliding through the afternoon.
She's a hum of bees in the garden.
She's a walk to top of the hill.
She's memory rushing over like water.
She's a future yet to be imagined.

Sun Gold

Sun-gold hair
Eyes of a songbird
Lightness of a butterfly
Tillman is
the spirit of the seasons,
the good of the world,
a flowing bounty of love.

Poetry Resources:
"Communion" by Twyla M. Hansen
"I had been Hungry, all the Years..." by Emily Dickinson
"Love Letters" by Maya Angelou
"Are You Still There?" by Joy Harjo
"Ode to American English" by Barbara Hamby
"Hartshead" by David Whyte
Nostalgia" by Billy Collins
"Trying to Pray" by Twyla M. Hansen

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