Sunday, November 18, 2018

Acrostics I

Sometimes a word is enough.

That is what I found when I read an Emily Dickinson poem on November 5th, which added to the dimensions of this project: I began to write acrostics.

The following poems are based on one word that reminded me of a student.  I have not forsaken the other forms -- still using them as well. As of today, I have completed 46 poems for my 126 reading students.  Enjoy.


Crossing the threshold to her True North
Olivia charts her course carefully
Moored in confidence, creativity, and caring
Purposeful and always, always thinking
Accurate compass within, never failing
She knows well her motivation
She has perfect navigation.


Whisper, no rush
Her sly smile
Indeflatable, instinctive
She is Ny'Asiah
Persevering and practical
Everyday miracle
Respecter of all.


Believing in himself
Reaching beyond the mundane
Approaching the unknown
Not a twig, but a bough
Carrying the seed forward
Hastening his young life
Etching beyond his peers
Safe in this place. Daniel.


Racing against himself
Insane, infecting smile
Passion, gusto, zest
Pep, spirit, zeal
Leaving nothing to chance
Energy radiating
Spitfire of youth -- Jerron


Crafty and careful creation
Unrelenting with her ideas
Raising her voice, Tori has
Verve, vision, and the
Intention to bring
Newness to any situation
Guaranteeing her place in the world.


Prefers to be on the basketball court
Upward bound in all she does
Zen in her composure, Dah'zyre is a
Zephyr, a gentle breeze
Loyal to those around her
Effortless in approach.


Blake is solid
Eternal cornerstone
Dependable, layered
Resiliant, strong
Open-eyed, open-hearted
Controlled, content
Keeper of cool.


Onrush of energy
Resisting category
Besting anybody
Isaiah is a revolution
Trekking his own path


Word inspirations from the following poems:
"Wild Nights--Wild Nights" by Emily Dickenson
"Equality" by Maya Angelou
"Selling Out" by Major Jackson
"Hoops" by Major Jackson
"Tan-Y-Garth" by David Whyte
"Consolation" by Billy Collins
"Quarry in Seward County" by Twyla M. Hansen
"Moose" by Major Jackson

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