Sunday, September 16, 2018

Having Lived in the Same Place for Over a Decade, We've Learned a Few Things

This is is inspired by Twyla M Hansen's poem "Having Lived in the Same Place for Decades, We have Perhaps Learned a Few Things."  Hers was about the people. Mine is not.

Having lived in the same place
for over a decade, we've learned
a few things.

Like how the suns shifts on the
horizon in the morning, the moon, 
too, and colors that will paint the
sky at different seasons of the year,
reflected on the lake.

We've learned to watch for turtle
heads peaking up out of the water,
and smile when they pull themselves
out to sun together on the shore.

We've learned the mating habits of
ducks and moorhens, the time of
day the osprey fish, and what
lizards and ladderbacks will visit
the sable palm outside our lanai.

We know by the clouds when it's
raining in the Everglades, and when
the sunset is happening in full force
in the western sky, out of view,
the east glowing a brilliant light.

We count the water birds' hatchlings
and watch their parents teach them.
We hear the same parents grieve
with loss when their children
are scooped up by hawk or eagle.

We know Great Blue Heron with
a huge black spot on his back,
and Little Blue who is darker than most.

We listen to the egrets screech
to claim their territory and
we know when the summer water
grasses will turn gray and die.

We see the rise and fall of the water
level from rainy season to winter, when
the skies are clear blue and cloudless,
and the green grass barely holds on.
We know when the moorhens and 
frogs will sing at night, and when 
they will be silent.

Someday we will be gone from this
place. We rest assured knowing
the cycles of nature will live on.

On our lanai, Christmas Eve 2010

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