Sunday, December 31, 2017

Into the Blue

You'll never fly as the crow flies, get used to a country mile
When you're learning to face the path at your pace, every choice is worth your while.
--Emily Saliers "Watershed"

thoughts directions ideas
writing on Saturday mornings
bluegrass and Buddhism
road trips fathers daughters
the mountains the beaches
teaching life struggles and sins
time moments pain
epiphanies revelations stunned
inadequacies all over the place
isn't that what they are all saying?
its hard to live up to our ideal?
keep going anyway
Dylan a muse bucking trends
being what is. all coming together
you can somewhat see it now
something that has been poking
at you for a while -- since 2009,
right? and here you are all
these years later maybe making
sense of it. maybe. it hasn't
been out of the blue, any of this.
it's rooted and grown and you've
let the sun shine on it and
now it will reveal itself with
time and space and yes, effort.

Into the blue, this New Years Eve day.
Into the vast and amazing Blue. 

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