Sunday, November 12, 2017

You Are Here

You Are Here
the sign says.

And I stop.

I am here.

The place I love, my Sunday morning temple.

Cypress needles abandoning the trees and the
cycle of life continuing after nature's fury.

A pair of Pileated Woodpeckers flit about overhead.

A rat snake in my path ponders his direction.

Ironweed and Arrowhead flowers grow along the boardwalk edge,
November flowers in the swamp.

I am here.

David Whyte says, 
"Your full presence only in rest
and the love that asks nothing."

I am here.

I walk slowly,
then steadily.

Turtles sun themselves on the ends of logs sticking
out of the Wood Duck Pond.
Snowy egrets roost in the autumn Cypress trees
across Gator Lake.

I am here.
Green space, blue space, river flow.

Open to the love
that asks nothing.

Autumn in the Cypress Swamp.

Pileated Woodpecker

Lance-Leaved Arrowhead

Snowy Egret Rookery along Gator Lake
Tall Ironweed

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