Monday, July 10, 2017

UNBOUND #1 & 2

I have decided to venture into using the word UNBOUND for acrostic poetry for several reasons.  First, the letters in this word provoke a challenge. Starting two different phrases with "U" provokes a different way of thinking; different than the way I usually speak, anyway.  I have collected some words to help, but the final products are yet to be determined.

The second reason is because I found that with the word REST, I internalized the word to call on as needed by the simple act of writing nine poems, forcing me to think of rest in a variety of ways; most notably lately while getting some dental work done. The words UNBOUND is another I would like to incorporate into my automatic thinking, so moving forward on this seems to be wise use of my time in the long run.

The first one was revised quite severely from the original, and was written to reflect my trip to the beach and all that occurred. The second one -- a type of Artist Prayer -- was in an attempt to say something specific about the inner artist.  I have found with these poems that specifics are needed, or they just sound like the silly acrostics our students are known for writing.


Unpredicted, but not unusual
Noises off, I listen to what the
Beach had to tell me
Off the record, it whispers
Unleash yourself -- do it
Now -- you are free
Divest your mind of these imaginary chains.


Underneath this everyday life
New ideas are being formed, a
Birthright to be a creator, too, an
Official invitation to be who I am:
Unbridled in artistic will and energy,
Natural state of being, after all,
Determined to live it like the Truth it is.

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