Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Rise and Go

This is a reflection in response to reading "Fugitive" by David Whyte.  The lines in italics are from his poem, the part that jump started me.  The reference to Ki is the Japanese belief of our lives in cycles of 9 of which I find a lot of credibility and relevance to my  life.

Rise and Go

while you catch
the beckoning
of a rising tide,
and the need to
rise and go,
a gusted, caught
wherewithal suddenly
within you
to join the others...

Rising tide is the way I feel about what is happening inside me.

Perhaps it's the Ki coming up to my birthday, coming up to a 9 year.

Perhaps it's the conversation I had with Natalie where we actually feel like our District is going in a fruitful direction.

Maybe it's the awesome artistic investigation I've been doing and stepping more fully into my writing project, my music, and re-commitment to zazen.

I feel I'm being lifted.

There are many definitions for "fugitive" -- mostly about fleeing.  But I found one that seems to strike to the heart of the way I feel.

I have escaped captivity.

I am no longer captive to inaction.
No longer captive to exhaustion.
No longer captive to anger.
No longer captive to the pain of lost spirit.

I am a fugitive of disease and procrastination and frustration.

I have fled for my life.

There are resting places.
There are safe spaces.
There is an inside well to draw from, to be hydrated and nourished.

It is called the breath.
It is called the moment.


1 comment:

  1. So many reflections that my heart and soul are overflowing, but what comes to me in this moment is the image of the well. I believe that at my center, in my soul, is a place that is my well, where I can bathe and become clean, where I can swim and splash and play, where I can cry and let my sorrow become part of all that is. My divine center, always replenished, crystal clear, refreshing. Images of wells call to me....


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