Thursday, July 6, 2017

Morning Song

In my rotation of poetry books I read each morning, I have Wild Iris by Louise Gluck.  The collection of poetry focuses on nature, and has a repeating theme of poems called "Matins." At first I thought matins were a type of flower. But finally I looked it up and read that it is a religious litany, a chant perhaps, done in morning or evening.

Today's reading was another matins poem, and since I had forgotten the definition, I looked it up again. This time a second definition caught my eye.


n (functioning as singular or plural)

1. (Ecclesiastical Terms)
a. chiefly RC Church the first of the seven canonical hours of prayer, originally observed at night but now often recited with lauds at daybreak
b. the service of morning prayer in the Church of England
2. literary a morning song, esp of birds
It is then I realized matins is not always about people.  Others are involved.
For today's poem, the ending line caught my attention:
For me, always/The delight is the surprise
I used it to begin my own poem.  Matins is about creating space in your life to listen and to pray and to notice the changing light.  At this point in my summer, I am noticing changes happening, as I listen to be led to what I am to do next.
And may I add, the one thing I missed on my vacation was hearing the birds sing. They are totally muted in hotels.  It was a welcome sound when I returned, one I didn't even notice I had missed. 

Morning Song
For me, always
the delight is the surprise.

That music
pouring out of me
surprises me.

Those words
I wake up to
and have to 
write and 
surprise me.

The push to
think about
teaching again,
surprises me.

Always the
being laid
for the next 

Always the
next dawn
to hear the
birds sing.

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