Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Bridge


Go and open the door
glance about
The mysterious myth of your
existence is not fragile
Take those big breaths
Find your determination
The echo of your soul
is soft, but not tender—
Like cool, wet sand

Go and open the door
The rain has stopped
Don’t beat at the walls
of your desperation
Recover the wind
What your heart speaks
is worth hearing 
Listen. Seek.

Go and open the door
Yesterday doesn’t define you
The winds of heaven—
the true colors of your life—
fly to you in an instant 
Exit the maze of perfectionism
Fall into the communion
of long-delayed realization
that the bridge leads to
amazement and admiration

4:49 pm

Composed at the last Creative Writing Club meeting
using word tiles, a list of words the member generated,
and opening lines from other poems as fodder for creation.

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