Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Prompt #7--Saying Goodbye

 Response to prompt #7 of Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones Deck.

What will you have to say goodbye to when you die?

The first answer that came was READING. I no longer will be able to know someone else's thinking on a subject or read a story that will help me know how to be a better person. I think it's weird it was the first thing I thought of, but this morning I've been planning my reading going forward.

Of course, if it happened now I'd have to say goodbye to Jim and all my friends and family and neighbors. But that goes without saying, right?

Or do I stay with them in some way, shape, or form? It's a possibility!

I'll miss wine and sushi and MUSIC--although, again...will I know music on the other side? It's possible, I suppose, being as heavenly as it is.

I'll miss going to the library. Yoga class. Driving in my car listening to Classic Vinyl, going somewhere I really want to go.

I'll miss the Grand Ol' Opry. The woods. Spotting an eagle or a swallow-tailed kite in the sky.

I'll miss ART. This past Friday I saw some spectacular art that really wowed me. How unfair it will be gone from my vision.

Some things I'll miss I have already pretty much said goodbye to -- The Blue Ridge Mountains. Nashville.

Oh, but the classroom interactions -- the really good ones, memorable ones. My own classroom and college. Everyday jokes with co-workers.

And laughter.

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