Wednesday, May 25, 2022

60. The Post I Didn’t Want to Have to Do


This morning I cannot escape the feeling of devastation and sadness for my fellow educators in Texas.

The entire scenario is unimaginable.

Every day I ring the Tibetan bell I keep in my classroom as the way we center in as we begin class.

Since the Parkland shooting, I say this metta—always with the emphasis on safety and protection.

May we be happy and peaceful

May we be healthy and strong

May we be safe and protected

And may we live with ease

This is my daily prayer for us all, especially my precious learners.

Of course, I’m not under any illusion I can keep my young people safe against a legal assault weapon. 

Our country is failing its youth.

What else need to happen to turn the tide? I still believe all things work together for good.

It’s time.

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