Tuesday, September 17, 2019

11. Why I Despise 45


Once again, 2nd period did their usual game-playing.

We have a rule: you can take the 10 minutes before class starts for the day to play on your Chromebook, but when the news comes on you close it and listen.

Today most everyone closed theirs except one (white) boy, who kept it open AND the sound on, as he was playing a Trump speech. This is obviously a slam at those who are most marginalized by the man who calls himself our president. I closed the computer and took it away.

After the news I was challenged by the boy's friend: "Would you have closed it if Hilary Clinton was speaking?"  I told him I don't care if was Spongebob, the fact is we have a rule about closing the books. The audio was an additional violation.


I truly feel that the level of "okay to be hateful" has risen, and these privileged white boys are riding the wave. I hate it. And I know I can only do what I can do to combat it.

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