Friday, March 15, 2019

What I See

Finally got my creative writing class outside yesterday to observe and write about nature and anything else that was in front of us.  We did the 360 degree poem, where we moved like a clock and wrote a list of what we saw. Then we fashioned poems.

Here is mine.

What I See

First, it's my class
White shoes
Striped shirt
Morgan smiling
Ashlyn writing

Then, a few scrawny palm trees
then more skinny palms
Palm tops that look like Easter lilies
A bushy palm
Sunlight shining through the fronds.

Then, the feathery cloud floating in a sea of blue sky
The ibis poking along the fence line.
The wood stork soaring overhead.

Then, my class again.
They write.
The cool breeze ruffles our pages on an inviting March morning.
My spirit smooth and silky.

10:30 am  3/14/19

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