Sunday, December 9, 2018


This collection includes all sorts of poems: Inner Voice, Golden Shovel, and Acrostic

Bethsada Believes

Comes to us as curious
Lifetime of deep interest
And immersion, Bethsada
lost in what engrosses her,
been happy to follow that path,
finds herself in the perfect place.

Leading and Lifting

Luis brings with him a wholeness
that enhances our life
in the classroom. He led
the way from the start, celebrating
being a reader, lifting his youth
to new heights.


Not one to ever give up, Jefferson takes
Obstacles as the challenge they are meant to be,
Renewing the strength of his character and centering him
Trusting the long road has a purpose and
Holds the promise to the future he deserves.


Poetry in motion, as they say
On display with beauty, language, and expression
Enter Kristi, a quiet marvel
Tracing her outline in our class
Reaping the benefits of learning, saying
Yes to her own sound and rhythm. 


Hugs, hugs, hugs
Everywhere she goes, Jasmin's
Arms reach for others
Reveling in embrace, showing her
Thoughtful love and acceptance.


Lithe and lifelong learner
Interested and introspective, Ke'ahna
Favors thinking for herself
Trusting her mind implicitly
Expecting to succeed
Dividend earned from hard work.


Saying what is on his mind
Preferring one-on-one conversations
Expressing his opinion, his daily challenges
Austin provides for us a
Key into his perspective of the world.

(for Josh)

Wherever he goes
Opinions are given
Reasons and comments
Doesn't doubt himself
Steady and strong.

"Later Life: A Double Sonnet of Sonnets" by Christina Georgina Rossetti
"Urban Renewal XVIII" by Major Jackson
"Crossing the Border" by Joy Harjo
"Ode to My 1977 Toyota" by Barbara Hamby
"Hands Across the Water" by David Whyte
"Sunday Morning with the Sensational Nightengales" by Billy Collins
"Letter to Brooks" by Major Jackson
"Someone Talking" by Joy Harjo

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