Saturday, December 8, 2018

Acrostics II


She is a spark and a flash
Her focus epic; Gennifer is
Insulated from distraction
Maybe she is a princess
Maybe she is a prophet
Edges smoothed and silvery
Reflector of diamond clarity 


Firestorm of fun
Ongoing smile and activity
Leilani lifts the classroom
Lights the shadows that may linger
One flame can do so much while
Waving and weaving brilliant designs.


And on that first day she stood out
Questioning and quipping
Undaunted and embracing
Intelligence like a deep well
Free of any constraints, Ryann is
Ever rattling the cages
Resisting any chains that could bind. 


Conserving, considerate
Andril stands tall
Savvy and sage
Temperate and truthful
Lets us in slowly
Stands up for what's good for all.


Maybe it's the smile and jokes
Or more likely it's the sharp brain
That keeps Joseph a whirring
Image of magic and brilliance
Oscillating between talk and silence
Never giving up on any idea he owns.


Giving and gracious this girl Jasleen
Listening well and remaining open
Applying what she learns, reflecting
Simply wonderful to be around
Safely happy in the world she knows.


Weaving her way through the school day
Aubrey is generous and kind-hearted
To everyone she meets. She is
empathetic and gentle, a quiet
river of thoughtful attention. 


Smoke and fire
Purposefully doing what she does
Arriving with the world watching
Re-igniting when burned out
Keke -- striking against the stone.


"Metaphor" by Major Jackson
"Osso Bucco" by Billy Collins
"Into the Wind" by Twyla M. Hansen
"These Yet to Be United States" by Maya Angelou
"There Was a Dance, Sweetheart" by Joy Harjo
"Urban Renewal XV" by Major Jackson
"Mighty Mississippi" by Twyla M. Hansen
"The Best Cigarette" by Billy Collins

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