Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dual Citizenship

This blog is dedicated to five students who I have for reading and an elective: four are in Creative Writing, and one is in Speech & Debate.  The poems they are drawn from are listed at the bottom.

Bright Song

Taylor puts in the work
although she's sometimes late,
her backpack as big as she is keeps
her a step behind, big eyes the
first thing you notice, then her whole
countenance, bright for the world,
her rhythms always running.

Dancing Poet

She is high in spirits
and one of
the many CLMS dancers.
Annie's smile comes before
everything else, reading us
her poetry, helping us feel joined
to the larger human picture and the
honor of our time together on earth.

First Gamer

Josh has an easy presence, his
smile always there, no small
thing, enjoying life and his place
in it, the gamer in him of
high importance,  its all about play.

Attention Antenna

Sometimes, yes, Tyrese is loud
like a never-ending motor
one, two, three, four,
he seemingly never tires.
Yet, he is alert, like an antenna,
his brain motor running sharp, that
makes me stop, turn around, listen.

Patient Angel

Angela shyly asks her questions,
a quiet classroom presence that
can be overlooked. You have
come to know how patiently
she approaches every task, waiting
for the right moment, waiting for
a chance to surprise you.


"Workers' Song" by Maya Angelou
"Rushing the Pali" by Joy Harjo
"First Steps in Hawkshead Churchyard" by David Whyte
"The Wires of the Night" by Billy Collins
"Someimes" by David Whyte

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