Sunday, June 3, 2018

Practicing Awe

When we take a fresh look at where we are, all we ever find is this present movement, 
not "in" the past or the future, but alive and happening Now.
-- Jeff Foster "In and Out of the Now?"

I came here today to get a post written before I leave on vacation. I was dismayed to see it has been over a month since I have written, but it was one helluva month.  I battled a cold virus that still has not gone away, got through the entire testing calendar, packed up my classroom, and ended the year collapsed in exhaustion.  I'm finally crawling back.

This morning I read a Twyla M. Hansen poem called "Believing" that helped me see how, despite the last couple tough months, I have been moving in the right direction, and I am ready for this adventure.

Her poem ends: we will lie down, hands facing
up at our sides in shavasana, also known
as corpse pose, breathe,
and lose our selves to process,
same as the act of writing --
which Kafka once said is a form of prayer --
to move that airy life force
through this body and mind
in which I do believe."

This poem ending is my invitation to take a week away from my daily poem.  I will be heading to a place I've longed to return and discover all over again.  I am going as a WRITER -- this I know for sure. I am filling the well. I will practice AWE using my five senses.  Being Present. In the Present MOVEMENT!

I am leaving this lingering illness behind.

I will be rejuvenated and renewed.

Open to all possibilities.

A writer in the big city!

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