Friday, November 24, 2017

These Four Days on Sanibel Island

I have been mulling over a poem that will be a container for my experience at this years Sanibel Island Writer's Conference. I had decided to use the 17 syllable line poem (haiku), with a total of 17 lines.: what is called a 17 X 17.  At first I just wrote down things I remembered, and they weren't in any kind of order.  I knew it needed a lot of work, and it has taken a while to get back to it.

But I think that is good, because today when I returned to the idea, I decided to add another dimension: Acrostic.  I then needed to come up with a phrase that would be 17 letters, to make the 17 X 17 work; Writing in November 

If you're thinking this is a lot of work, well, I've done this kind of thing quite a bit.  I was just combining forms for the first time. And what I found was that the most important principles and meaningful interactions from the conference surfaced: my time with friends, important messages from presenters, and my own journey throughout the conference all came to the forefront, making the poem quite different from my original.

I am grateful I had the space in my life to make this writing time.  I'm grateful for how it has enhanced my life.  I'm grateful for the fabulous friends who joined me, and the new friends I met.  May we all keep the lessons of SIWC close to our hearts and our own writing lives.

These Four Days on Sanibel Island

When you spend four days writing with your friends, there is a certain magic,
Reveling in time together on beautiful Sanibel Island.
Images of the weekend stand strong, as well as words from presenters.
Tell about a moment that rocked your world.” “Shout your story to the sky.”
In an instant I know the urgency of my present condition.
Not to be ignored, I move forward into my profound truth and fear,
Giving attention to my own attentiveness, as is most writing.

In the specific, the universal.” “Tell the truth no matter what.”
No doubt your rage will find you – let it be your instructor and your muse.”

Now I hear a story of layers of decisions we all will face;
One step closer to my own truth, shouting to the sky these mounting fears.
Vocalizing is what I need, releasing grief of my own story.
Emotional truth is most important,” Alice says, and I believe.
Meeting poets who inspire form and content, a writing container.
Beth Ann, the hummingbird herself, lights up tiny texts for us, we reach
Ever so quickly, and share our own little moments, concise, complete.
Revealing treasures we gathered these four days on Sanibel Island.


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