Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Eagle Medicine

If Eagle has majestically soared into your cards, you are being put on notice to reconnect with the element of air. Air is of the mental plan, and in this instance it is the of the higher mind. Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of the Great Spirit. (Sams and Carson)

I was on a tight schedule this morning, which forced me to abandon my 20 minute zazen meditation. I was feeling pretty freaked about the fact that I had no planning period today because of a meeting, I wasn't ready for the class I had to teach at the end of the day, and I had to go to the dentist to see about an ongoing problem with a bridge I got in August.

Driving to my appointment, I took a road called A & W Bulb Road. This used to be an area with flower fields that produced bulbs and shipped them all over the world. Now it's a collection of neighborhoods, a church, a synagogue, some apartments, and trees that hold a giant eagle's nest.

During certain times of years, it is common to see people with large cameras set up photographing the eagles.  I have never taken the time to stop and see if I could find the nest.  Always on my way somewhere, right?

Well, today the eagles decided to fix my complacency. They came flying out right as I was approaching and proceeded to fly up the road right ahead of me.  From my vantage point I could keep my eyes on the eagles and the road quite easily. My heart was lifted. I know Eagle Medicine has many sacred properties, and I took it as a good sign.  When I got to the light at MacGregor Blvd, the eagles planted themselves on top of a pole across the way so I could see them while I waited for my chance to turn.  The smile on my face was huge, I'm sure, and I was much calmer for my dentist appointment.

And then I had a wonderful morning with my students.

And I managed to get the meeting canceled.

And I was ready for my debate class.

And at the end of the day I got some weird news about my health that does not seem to fit my current reality. I came home a bit shocked, but soon realized the eagles had a message for me.

"Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of the Great Spirit."

There is something I have to access here. Some intuitive wisdom.  I need to drop my stresses and keep my mind and heart straight.  I need to connect to the Great Spirit.  On this very windy day, the element of Air is making its presence known.  Taking time to write this tonight is one way I am acknowledging that small moments can add up to something grand.

"Take flight and keep moving forward" is the message I hear.

Don't be complacent.  Don't forget the power within.

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