Friday, September 1, 2017

Word Parts

 Sometimes space both blue and green is found in the simplest things.

Word Parts

I’m a Reading Teacher now, so when
I read a poem and I see words like






I’m thinking words parts. I’m thinking
of prefixes and suffixes and
base words. It delights me in
a weird way, this focus on words
and how they come together.
It’s a bounty for me. It is breaking
the world in little pieces and putting
it back together again. It’s awareness
of what is. It’s a puzzle sometimes,
and a way to get better at noticing
the small things that make up the
large things.

I never thought I’d be poetic about
word parts, but this is the road I’m on,
the road between things.

(9/1/17 inspired by Nick Flynn’s “Blind Huber (vii)”)

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