Saturday, August 12, 2017

Five Directions to My Creative Life

As expected, the beginning of the new school year started to drain my thinking and creative energy into other directions, rather than the life I've been living these past few months.  I suppose the good news is that I really noticed the change, where in the past I might not have.  

Earlier this week I was trying to put some words on the page, but was finding absolutely no inspiration, and nothing seemed to be working.  So when Saturday morning came, I knew I had to find a way in.

And I thought of it -- the Five Directions poem.

I have written several of these before, and with my book project I see these poems as being a form that is sprinkled throughout. I am forever grateful to Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera, the mentor for this poem, as I have found it particularly useful in finding myself when lost.

Five Directions to My Creative Life

1.     Go back to that canvas bag full of journals and dig for buried word treasures.

2.     Walk away from the lesson planning – you’ve done enough for now.

3.     Beneath the busyness, a creative stream flows. Find its life-giving waters.

4.     Listen, listen. It speaks to you under the static of the day.

5.     You are there, almost, when the light of inspiration filters in calling for action.

6.     I said five, but the Word Angels whisper, “Keep going.”

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