Sunday, May 28, 2023

Finisterre: That’s Not You


The road beating you down is not the only road.

The moon is over your home while the

sun shines here on a spring Sunday.

The future is now in a new question

and that comes with a willingness to

be open to the messages of the universe,

the butterfly and sunflowers drew the

voice to your awareness and that is

all good: miracles are at hand.

Those from the past are very present.

Leave your shoes, your books, and

walk to a new beginning when the

time is ripe. You truly were giving up

too soon. And we know that is not you.

Become part of all that is and

stand in the trees, stand on the shore,

then walk on, no matter what.

(Inspired by people I know who just finished walking the Camino in Spain, David Whyte’s poem “Finesterre,” and Paul Simon’s Seven Psalms.)

Around and Around We Go

 It is Thursday, and my first thought is Why is the summer going so fast? My second is How will I ever get everything accomplished I need to...