Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Solstice Poem

Solstice always feels special to me, especially after growing up in a cold climate.  I would always be tired of the cold and gray by late December, and found a glimmer of hope in the fact that the days would begin getting longer again. I needed the light.

Solstice is about the light. It is about warmth in the cold and dark times.  It is about evergreen hopes and silent hearts.  Its about love that knows no bounds.

This prayer/poem I wrote this morning reflects many of the things on my mind this Solstice time.
Inspired today by Joy Harjo's "Eagle Poem"; these lines:

To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon.

To pray you open your voice to the
magic of language swirling around you.

To pray you seek sisterhood and brotherhood
with all living beings.

To pray you remember to cut away the
brambles, and let the lotus bloom.

To pray you rest your feet on the ground
and heal with the earth's energy.

To pray the New Moon brings
intentions to see beneath the surface.

To pray you make a fine meal for the
holy-days and keep them sacred.

To pray the gifts you give are well-received
and to remember love is the greatest gift.

To pray the music you play and the songs
you sing will lift saddened spirits.

To pray all your practices keep you whole
and fulfilled and connected to Spirit. 

To pray the darkness of Solstice lights
a fire in your heart.

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